Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sharing a little something

A whole lot of busy, busy has been going on this month. The Girls Night boudoir party is this weekend! The hair stylist and make up artist are both ready to go. The hotel suite is fabulous. The wine... Oh, yes! The wine is waiting, all delicious in the bottles. Let's just say I'm pretty excited.

But still, the girls and I took a few moments from our busy day for another random photo shoot.

Little Devi is always up for posing. In fact, I'm not allowed to direct her at all. She tells me when to take the photo and then has to see the back of the camera to approve. Here are a couple of the shots she found worthy.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

We got rid of the old year and welcomed in the shiny, happy, new one. During all the mess and craziness, I haven't picked another theme. Or much of anything else.

So this week's theme (and, okay, part of last week's, too, since I dropped the ball on the food shots) is diptychs and triptychs. Woooot!

Day 16 (Up there^) was the result of taking two hyper monsters on a walk on what looks like that last nice day of the season... and the last day of 2011.

Day 17 on the other hand, is pure nonsense. We did diva portraits. My oldest took right to it. *eye rolling goes here*
Credit also goes to her for snapping the shot of me. She loves to be behind the camera almost as much as she loves being in front.

And Day 18, in celebration of the first snow of the year. Of course, we all got cold and ran inside after about 8 minutes.

New year, new start, new projects- I'm looking forward to it. Hope you have a happy new year as well.