It was a snow day on Monday and the kids could not be kept inside. Even after twenty minutes of bundling them up, they were still bouncing off the walls ready to go out. My little copy cat did *everything* her big sis did: including fall flat on her face in the snow. On purpose.

Day 38 is a little sneak preview for my Spring special. Book a shoot this spring and get a cute and unique way to display your memorable art.

I'm a bit of a photo nut, so this is my new favorite way to display my latest shots around the house. With the set you'll get your own mini clothesline and pins, and five 5x5 textured photos from your shoot. Order more 5x5's to change out your display or add more to your line!
Clotheslines are super cute alternatives to bulletin boards above your work desk, too.

You can also hang them vertically for a twist on the look.

As a bonus, all shoots booked with the Spring special will receive a bound proofbook.
Contact me soon for a fun, one-hour Spring shoot, a five photo clothesline display, and a 4x6 proofbook for $100.