Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 80 + a sneak peek

Today's a combo entry - Part "what I did yesterday", part sneak peek for a session. ^_^

Yay for muddy trails and old barns!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm Behind a Few Days..

I love these kids. Not only are they all gorgeous (and handsome- sorry Jack), but they all crack me up.
My husband took us on a photo hunt today to Will Hill. There's loads of ghost stories surrounding the place (Check it out) The cemetery is full of sunken in and fallen over stones- so it's some sort of mix of lovely and spooky.

And the car didn't die at the gates this time! Woot!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 74: Oldest

Today is for my oldest- the proud weirdo with all the odd camera faces.
This is my super smart, utterly ridiculous, fashion loving diva.
One day she's going to be a model who fights crime and saves endangered species in her spare time. Or she'll take over the world with pop music mind control.

Or something like that.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Goofing off again

We found this awesome house while exploring. ^_^

Then I went on to witness the epic battle for the the computer desk. My money is on my poorly painted, scantily clad elf witch.

Go witch, go.

Aaaand this is the face of a two year old who was caught with mom's expensive make up. -_-

P.S. Devlin wanted everyone to meet her new princess.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 67, 68, and 69

My girl likes cookies. A lot.

You'll have to forgive the late Happy St. Patrick's day. I was ill the entire day, but it was still nifty. It was a day to blare my Flogging Molly cds while driving to work and put on my I <3 Irish Boys shirt (Which actually fits again!) My parents gave me a gorgeous glass rosary they brought home from Ireland. It was blessed by the bishop while they were at the shrine in Knock.

I squealed.

I was sure I was going to be crazy sick again today, so I put in for a day off.
Surprise! Not sick.
I think that was God's sneaky way of giving me a mental health day.

It was a little reminder that life was more than work-sleep-repeat.

I dropped the kids off at the sitter and drove out in the country to take all those sunrise photos I always want to take, but am always running too late for work to get.

Then Josh surprised me with a hike through Anderson Prairie.

I have a feeling I'm going to practically live there this Summer. :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 65 and 66

One should absorb the colour of life, but one should never remember its details. Details are always vulgar. Oscar Wilde,

Day 65: Funny Face

...She's a dork.

Day 66: The Girl Who Was Not There

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Battle Cat: Defender of Wii Games!

Hi, I'm Megan...and I'm *special*
This is Battle Cat... and he's a badass.

And no one messes with MY wii games.

I also find it extremely hilarious to photograph strangers in random public places.

I pretend I'm a spy

And my niece is Kera: Warrior Princess.

Literally. She declared herself a princess.

Then proceeded to kick my ass with a scary blade.

Evidence for the pending lawsuit:

Buh-bye now!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 58- 61 and Six Word Memoirs

“My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them.”

Jack Kerouac

I've been spinning around and flying off in many directions lately. I've attempted much... and probably accomplished little. Some days I just can't stop myself from racing from one thing to the next- from trying to read a book while cooking dinner (a.k.a. setting the house on fire) to flitting back and forth between 6 different sites...and photoshop...and lightroom...and the sims. (Guess what? Computers don't like you when you do this.)

There is just way too many wonderful things to cram into one day and way too much too learn.

Day 59- My spy girl.

"Oh shit...I think he saw me."

I've been reading "Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure" again.

Some of my favorites:

"Filled blank spaces with ambitious endeavors"- Adam Schachner

"Outcast. Picked last. Surprised them all." - Rachel Pine

"It was embarrassing, so don't ask." Alex Lindquist

What would your six word memoir be?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Don't Know Where I'm Going...

"I don't know where I'm going, but I promise it won't be boring."

-David Bowie

The last couple of days have flown by, but I suppose that's what happens when you enjoy them so much. The sun has been making appearances these last few days.

Oh, how I have missed it.

Amanda, Angie, and I bundled up the kids and let them loose to wreak havoc on town for a while. There is something magical about those first few days- when it just starts to get warmer and the sun starts to rise just a little bit earlier.

But that may just be the reduced risk of me setting the house on fire and running down the streets screaming.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 51, 52 and bird stalking

Day 51: Messy Face.

Day 52- Outside My Window the light was just so pretty. I'm sure my neighbors think I'm some sort of spy/nutjob/DEA officer.

That's what they get for living right where all the pretty light hits.

And zomg! I've been stalking these guys for weeks now just to get a picture of one of them, but no, they keep flying away at the first hint of a camera.

Gotcha, you little bastard.