You'll have to forgive the late Happy St. Patrick's day. I was ill the entire day, but it was still nifty. It was a day to blare my Flogging Molly cds while driving to work and put on my I <3 Irish Boys shirt (Which actually fits again!) My parents gave me a gorgeous glass rosary they brought home from Ireland. It was blessed by the bishop while they were at the shrine in Knock.
I squealed.
I was sure I was going to be crazy sick again today, so I put in for a day off.
Surprise! Not sick.
I think that was God's sneaky way of giving me a mental health day.
It was a little reminder that life was more than work-sleep-repeat.
I dropped the kids off at the sitter and drove out in the country to take all those sunrise photos I always want to take, but am always running too late for work to get.
Then Josh surprised me with a hike through Anderson Prairie.
I have a feeling I'm going to practically live there this Summer. :)

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