Oh don't mind me...I'm just dumping a bajillion photos here.
Day 88: This is the goat glare.
Grumpiest. Goat. EVAR.

Day 89: Josh brought home a POS. This is him.. checking out all that rust.

Day 90: I found this tree while I was waiting for clients to show up for a shoot.
Purple tree? glowy backlight? zomg yes!

Day 91: Woman, get yer camera outta mah face!

Day 92: Desi posed for the first head shot in my new shop.

Day 93: My nephew was too cute not to attack with a camera.

Day 94: Princess Devi greets the morning in princess attire...almost.

Day 95: Desi made this birdhouse and is SO freaking proud of it. I had to show it off for her.

Day 96: My kid is the dorkiest robber EvAr.

Day 97: Lilac Flare
Because I love, love, love my lilacs.
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