In the midst of another hyper, Let's-take-on-the-world phase, I've decided to start another 365 project. If you've known me for a little bit you're probably saying "Again?".
Yup. Again.
And maybe, JUUUUUUST maybe, I'll actually finish it this year. That's pretty optimistic, though. Every year I get so excited to start. I'm going to take one cool shot every day! I'll grow in my technical skills! Push myself creatively! Document a year in my life! Woot!
And then fast forward a couple of months down the road as I get bogged down in the details of life. With work, two kids, and all that come with them I wind up feeling buried. Taking a shot is a hassle and editing it? Not happening. So I promise myself next year. Hopefully. Maybe.
And here I am. Starting it again. Heck, I didn't even wait for the new year. Perhaps, as a sane person might suggest, I should learn from my mistakes and take on a smaller project- like the photo-a-week for a year one, or some other smaller-bites-type thing. Maybe I should look at my failures from the past and reevaluate. Maybe, but let's be real. All that 'logic' and 'reason' stuff is just no fun. I'd much rather jump in with both feet, life jacket be damned.
My husband would tell you that this is the kind of attitude that left me the proud owner of one grouchy goat (RIP, you smelly, smelly grump), a variety of crazy hair color/style attempts I instantly regretted, and, more recently, the owner of two pet rats.
They were too cute not to bring home. See?

The smaller project thing would make sense, but I want to really push myself. I want to shoot everyday and think about shooting. Every. Day.
So 365 it is.
Starting........................................ now.
I've decided to try for themes for each week to keep me motivated. If there's a holiday, a birthday party, or some other life event, I may stray from the weekly theme from time to time, but the goal is to stick with one theme. We'll see how it goes.
I'm starting out with an easy one. Bokeh. It just freaking makes me so happy.

Day 1/365 Nothing spectacular, just sparkly. :)
Here goes nothing.